Pronto, voc??s n??o t??m paci??ncia para ver filmes – seja porque motivo for – e est??o tristes porque n??o se querem resignar ao Sozinho em Casa. N??o h?? necessidade para isso. Existem um sem n??mero de epis??dios de s??ries capazes de nos fazer entrar no esp??rito natal??cio.
E hoje trago-vos alguns desses epis??dios – grande parte de s??ries que acompanho ou j?? acompanhei – com links e tudo para os conseguirem ver – quem ?? fofinha, quem ???
Como ?? ??bvio n??o consigo falar desses epis??dios todos nesta publica????o, mas fica AQUI (para a televis??o americana) e AQUI (para a televis??o brit??nica) duas listas com todos. ?? s?? escolher!
The Best Christmas Story Never Told (2006)
The Most Adequate Christmas Ever (2007)
Rapture’s Delight (2009)
For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls (2010)
Season’s Beatings (2011)
Minstrel Krampus (2013)
Dreaming of a White Porsche Christmas (2014)
The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis (2008)
The Maternal Congruence (2009)
The Santa Simulation (2012)
The Cooper Extraction (2013)
The Clean Room Infiltration (2014)
Bob Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins (2012)
Christmas in the Car (2013)
Father of the Bob (2014)
The Santa in the Slush (2007)
The Goop on the Girl (2009)
Secret Santa (2012)
Bad Santa (2014)
Chuck Versus the Crown Vic (2007)
Chuck Versus Santa Claus (2008)
Chuck Versus the Santa Suit (2011)
The Christmas Invasion (2005)
The Runaway Bride (2006)
The Voyage of the Damned (2007)
The Next Doctor (2008)
The End of Time pt. 1/The End of Time pt.2 (2009)
A Christmas Carol (2010), The Doctor, the Window and the Wardrobe(2011)
The Snowmen (2012)
The One with the Monkey (1994)
The One with Phoebe’s Dad (1995)
The One Where Rachel Quits (1996)
The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie (1997)
The One with the Inappropriate Sister (1998)
The One with the Routine (1999)
The One with All the Candy (2000)
The One with the Holiday Armadillo (2000)
The One with Monica’s Boots (2001)
The One with the Creepy Holiday Card (2001)
The One with Christmas in Tulsa (2002)
Forgiveness and Stuff (2000)
Santa???s Secret Stuff (2007)
A Very Glee Christmas (2010)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas (2011)
Glee, Actually (2012)
Previously Unaired Christmas (2013)
Roman Holiday (2007)
The Townie (2010)
Damned If You Do (2004)
Deception (2005)
Merry Little Christmas (2006)
It???s a Wonderful Lie (2007)
Joy to the World (2008)
How Lily Stole Christmas (2006)
Little Minnesota (2008), The Window (2009)
False Positive (2010)
Symphony of Illumination (2011)
The Over-Correction (2012)
The Final Page pt. 1/The Final Page pt. 2 (2012)
Shut the Door. Have a Seat (2009)
Christmas Comes But Once a Year (2010)
Christmas Waltz (2012)
Undeck the Halls (2009)
Express Christmas (2011)
The Old Man & the Tree (2013)
Marge Be Not Proud (1995)
Miracle on Evergreen Terrace (1997)
Grift of the Magi (1999)
Skinner’s Sense of Snow (2000)
She of Little Faith (2001)
‘Tis the Fifteenth Season (2003)
Simpsons Christmas Stories (2005)
Kill Gil, Volumes I & II (2006)
The Fight Before Christmas (2010)
Holidays of Future Passed (2011)
White Christmas Blues (2013)
I Won’t Be Home for Christmas (2014)
GG, HIMYM e Friends ???
Que post interessante 😉 Gostei.
gostei do post ?? diferente 😉
Wow que trabalh??o um post desses deve ter dado. Obrigado por tudo! ^^
Alexandra 🙂
The Sweetest Life